woensdag 26 maart 2014

Zowel God als de mens zijn dood

"God is dood."

"With Darwin's natural selection at the helm, no one needed to consider what Life did next, or what it had done, or even what it was doing. Consideration was not a consideration. The mindless, ceaseless engine of natural selection would take care of the flight plan - such as it was, beacause, according to Darwin, it was making it all up as it went along, and there was no real purpose to the flight anyway, no confirmed destination. Life was flying just because it could fly. And God, the universe's former pilot, was out of a job." (Hughes 2011, On the Origin of Tepees, p. 104)

"De mens [het subject] is dood." 

"If hats and barns and every other artifact of humanity can self-design, if everything we hold dear can come about mindlessly, just as species do in nature, then we could be out of a job: cultural Life could evolve quite happily without any conscious participation on our part." (Ibid.) 

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