woensdag 12 maart 2014

Lyotard: taking the meme's eye view

"If I genuinely believe that there is no 'I' inside, with free will and conscious deliberate choice, then how do I decide what to do? The answer is to have faith in the memetic view; to accept that the selection of genes and memes will determine the action and there is no need for an extra 'me' to get involved. To live honestly, I must just get out of the way and allow decisions to make themselves." (Blackmore 1999, The Meme Machine, p. 244)

"In writing this book, the A. [author] had the feeling that his sole addressee was the Is it happening? [Arrive-t-il?] It is to it that the phrases which happen call forth. And, of course. he will never know whether or not the phrases happen to arrive at their destination, and by hypothesis, he must not know it. He knows only that this ignorance is the ultimate resistance that the event can oppose to the accountable or countable [comptable] use of time." (Lyotard 1988, The Differend, p. xvi)

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