dinsdag 17 december 2013

Darwin: the Godfather of postmodernism

"Karl Marx was exultant: "Not only is a death blow dealt here for the first time to 'Teleology' in natural sciences but their rational meaning is empiracally explained." Friederich Nietzsche saw an even more cosmic message in Darwin: God is dead. If Nietzsche is the father of existentialism, then perhaps Darwin deserves the title of grandfather." (Dennett 1995, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, p. 62)

"What foundation can we stand on as we struggle to keep our feet in the meme-storm in which we are engulfed? If replicative might does not make right, what is the eternal ideal relative to which 'we' will judge the value of memes? We should note that the memes for normative concepts - for ought and good and truth and beauty - are among the most entrenched denizens of our minds. Among the memes that constitute us, they play a central role. Our existence as us, as what we as thinkers are, is not independent of these memes." (Ibid., p. 366)

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